Yesterday they celebrated the 40th anniversary of may68; "a flower in your hair, a brick in your fist." Just wondering what happened to the flower. Does anybody think they going to romanticize this era 40 years from now? Or, aren't we interested because this is just a videoclip? or isn't it?
clip directed by Romain Gavras.

To see the moving images you have to click
nou bedankt hoor, ;-) heb net een stukje in de wacht voor morgen over mei 68 en had deze clip ook al gespot! Je bent me voor (complimenten)goeie clip trouwens, maar ik publiceer het toch maar gewoon morgen in een of andere vorm.
gewoon doen. :-) ben nu al nieuwsgierig wat je over deze clip te zeggen hebt.
justice is top gewoon
Nice jackets :-)
this confused me. is it real?
looks like it is.
if it is, it's scary.
it it's not, it's scary again because these things actually happen (...) somewhere (...)
@ stathis
not real, just an ordinary french video clip. The question is; should we have a moral responsibility as moviemakers or can we show anything we want?
yes. this is a very big discussion. where does liberty of expression end, and where does censorship start? i don't think you can say something in general about that. every case is different. this particular video has made me think a lot about violence and people with no future, but because it does not provide any sort of resolution, another person could have been attracted to violence, should he have had the predisposition.
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