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A portal to moving image that inspires me
Peter Horvath works in video, sound, photo and new media. Camera in hand since age 6, he immersed himself in digital technologies at the birth of the Web, co-founded 6168.org, a site for net.art, and adopted techniques of photomontage which he uses in his net and print based works. Exhibitions include the Whitney Museum Of American Art‘s Artport, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo (Mexico City), The 18th Stuttgarter Filmwinter (Stuttgart, Germany), FILE Electronic Language International Festival (Sâo Paulo, Brazil), Video Zone International Video Art Biennial (Tel Aviv, Israel), the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (Québec City, Canada), as well as venues in New York, Tokyo, London, and numerous net.art showings. He is the recipient of commissions from Rhizome.org at The New Museum, NYC (2005) and Turbulence.org New Radio and Performing Arts, Boston (2004). A founding member of the net.art collective Hell.com, he likes to consider a future when high bandwidth will be free.